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Game Name : Dragon Seeds
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2006-01-19 13:02:30
Views : 24514

Get Powerful Weapons and Reflectors
Enter and exit from Nancy's shop continuously until she says that the junk shop's owner is complaining that you didn't visit him. Then, go to the junk shop and he will sell you either a weapon or a reflector.

Free Weapon and Reflector
If you are running low on cash and need a weapon and reflector for your dragon visit Ishuka's "Junk Shop". In pity, he will give you a knife and a pot lid. These are the worst in the game but there free!

Super weapon
Keep going to the shop and when the girl there tells you that Ishaki has been complaining you never visit him, go to the junk shop then there's your super weapon.

Get Evil and Spirit
To be able to raise an evil or a spirit from the cloneing facility, all you have to do is become a WDC Champion. After this they will become selectable on the species list. Alternatively, just have a spirit or an evil traded to you and you'll be able to raise them also.

Super Dragons/ Mutant Dragons
Enter "Life is Eternal" when in the clonelab and you should receive a dragon who will eventually turn into a Super or Mutant Dragon. If it doesn't work the first time, try it again and again. It comes up random depending on the Dragon race chosen.

Ice dragon
Name your dragon Ja and you will get a ice dragon.

Easy Cash at Start
First get a dragon(just for the trick, not to be really used), and get a knife and pot lid(cheapest weapons). Go to the arena nd fight in A Class and surrender immediatly and you get 80 gold. Continue till you get enough gold and then start a real dragon with your hordes of gold!

Double Your Gold
To double your gold as many times as you like, save your game on memory card in slot 1. Leave your game on, but swap the memory cards between slots 1 and 2. Save your game again. Restart your playstation and go into the TRADE mode. Trade an identical dragon between the two memory cards, but include all of the gold in slot 2 in the trade (yes, you can adjust the gold traded here). Finish the trade and make sure it saves. Restart your game and your gold total should have doubled. Switch the memory cards to begin the process all over and repeat as many times as desired.

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